
Hello! 👋 You've found the personal site of James Harland, or CalamityJames as I have come to be known.

Discord OG since January 2016, now mess around making bots for various servers. Also admin of the offical Dankmus server and co-admin on the redhotsonic server.

Chairman of the Micra Sports Club, the largest Nissan Micra / March club outside of Japan.

For what I get up to in a more "coding" standpoint, check out jamesharland.com.

I'm finally getting round to rebuilding this site, and who knows might even blog again soon. Stranger things have happened, right?

In the meantime, the main pages are back up - along with a brand new and updated version of "My Cars" which actually provides detail and imagery about each jalopy I've had the (mis)fortune (delete as appropriate) to own!.